
zzglow t1_j2jezf9 wrote

yes, this! i rather you stay with family and keep your child safe than to return here to homelessness, and like GardenJohn said, that gives the father full ammo to get full custody! you got covid, you got the flu, you got covid again.


zzglow t1_j2je8og wrote

i agree, i think the father is trying to put you in a position where he can get full custody. he can say you are endangering the child (which would be true, unfortunately) and if you are homeless and he is not, and has income, etc, the court may rule in his favor. courts in MA typically side with mothers unless there is present evidence of the mother being abusive and/or neglectful and putting the child in danger.


zzglow t1_j2jcp3s wrote

plz, give them a call. in my experience, they truly are there to help, especially if they see you are a good momma looking out for your little one. i went through homelessness with my child, i know my story may not be like others but DTA and DCF were like angels. i was physically attacked by my partner and cops were involved, he even had to do time. i lost my job, our apartment, i have no family or friends here and was completely alone with my (then) 3yo.

my DCF worker was literally an angel, helped me with getting clothes, xmas gifts, and provided numbers and overall was supportive of my situation. DTA were also helpful and helped me get on SNAP (food stamps) and at the time i was able to get unemployment due to the nature of my situation. i was sent to a domestic violence family shelter, it wasn’t ideal, but we had heat, a bed, our own little room in the shelter house. every parent had to do nightly chores, which at first was strange, but i got used to it and it worked for all of us. i wasn’t even there for a year when i got into a program that gave me and my daughter our own place. i even got help with childcare through CTI in Lowell, and that allowed me to go back to school to finish my degree.

we have our own place now, we are safe, her dad got help and slowly we have been getting to a better place where he gets to see her. here is all the info i could get:

CTI- https://www.commteam.org/ 978-459-0551

DTA- https://www.mass.gov/emergency-housing-assistance-programs


i wish you the best, plz don’t take this the wrong way but i will keep you and your little one in prayer. may God provide for you and you find a warm shelter to be with your son, no one deserves this. hugs