
yuligan t1_jb1hea4 wrote

The right wing is dedicated to the class interests of the bourgeoisie, they just want to maintain the current system by ensuring division amongst the workers and preventing any and all unionisation.The left wing on the other hand is saddled with the problem of actually changing things for the majority of humanity.

The more centrist leftwingers do all right, they barely want to change anything: Labour Leader Keir Starmer has gone back on his election promises to keep the party left wing. Thanks to incredible Tory incompetence over the past decade he has a good shot at PM next election (assuming that the voter ID laws aimed at preventing people more likely to vote left wing don't get rolled out permenantly).

The social democrats who want to modify capitalism to help the poor slightly are fought tooth and nail and have insults hurled at them from every direction for any little thing. There was a study by the LSE done that showed 75% of the reporting on Jeremy Corbyn lied about him, not 50% as you might expect from some left-right divide, but 75%!

Actual communists? Enemies of the state at home and abroad, to be killed in droves whenever possible. Organise military coups to put fascists in power so they can deal with them for us.

These different groups can't work together because they all want radically different things. This sort of left unity is impossible, PBP is a social democratic group and the centrists in Social Democrats (confusing I know) would rather work with right wingers than them.


yuligan t1_jadhlo0 wrote

You're not crazy, it's good to put a lot of thought into world building. Also this is pretty interesting.

The way you described alien genetics sounds sorta like what bacteria do with plasmids, where they share good genetic traits with the other bacteria of the same species to keep them all alive (like a gene that provides resistance to antibiotics). Except that they transfer it to the daughter cells when they split too. I don't know much about it, just half-remembered stuff from youtube videos.


yuligan t1_jab3nfz wrote

I refuse to believe that all the others senators, themselves seasoned politicians, would fall for this. Unless only humans produce politicians and all other species of the galaxy are decent people.


yuligan t1_ja846j5 wrote

There are technically 4 human senators in the galactic senate, but they're in the senate the same way Puerto Rico technically has seats in the US senate. The 4 humans are only there because the other aliens senators demanded comic relief, but the galactic senate is a large building and everyone needs a human laughingstock in sight.