
yoshimipinkrobot t1_j5gdmma wrote

Tokyo is the best example of a world class city that does housing the most right. Enough of the city is zoned as high density mixed use, and developers can build by right — as long as they follow the zoning rules, people can’t block it. Rents are $1000. Food is under $10 a meal. There are a ton of interesting small shops and stores because commercial rent is also low. Homeowners can run their own small business out of their houses by right

This is what the poor nimbys want, but poor nimbys are so stupid, really stupid, they constantly push for what landlords want instead. So busy trying to screw developers they screw themselves instead


yoshimipinkrobot t1_j0wl2fy wrote

Now travel to any European country or asian country. Nyc has been coasting on early investments. It’s kind of a trash system. Also that’s a lesson on investing on infrastructure decades before it’s needed


yoshimipinkrobot t1_iy0a23w wrote

The first part is true but the second part is not. It’s because liberals want to find a capitalist enemy so they don’t have to take responsibility. The cause is by and large boomers, including liberal ones, opposing the building of new housing in places with jobs. When boomer kids (the biggest generation ever) entered the job market, demand doubled but supply hadnt grown


yoshimipinkrobot t1_iv2ix7s wrote

Affirmative action benefits whites the most by far


Otherwise, there'd be way more asians in these schools. Whites benefit from a cap on asian spots. The distraction is that blacks and browns are taking asian spots when there are barely any blacks and browns in these schools anyway. It's something like half of whites, who take up far more spots than black/browns, that get in for some non-academic part of their background.

I bet this Supreme Court finds some way to eliminate affirmative action for blacks and browns while keeping it for whites


yoshimipinkrobot t1_iv1bq1d wrote

It’s called paid parking all over the city, congestion pricing, increased bus service and bus lanes. This is what London did and the bus is a fast and easy way to get around the city (where subways don’t serve well)

Nyc is too car oriented. This is also why New Yorkers live in filth and rats — not willing to give up free parking for dumpsters

Get people to give up cars and a lot more improvements to the city are possible