
xarsha_93 t1_j9yxtgw wrote

There are a few things playing in Uruguay's favor. One, it's tiny, it has a smaller population than the average capital city in Latin America, and two, most of the population stems from Europeans who came in the 20th century with investment money from Europe.

During the World Wars and whatnot, a lot of Latin America saw an influx of investment because Western Europe was a mess. Countries like Venezuela and Argentina also benefitted from that to varying extents, but Uruguay as a whole was completely changed by that process because the newcomers made up the majority of the population.

Buenos Aires underwent a similar process and if you took just Buenos Aires (which has about the same population as Uruguay), it would rank similarly.


xarsha_93 t1_ir9wzko wrote

>In no other former province of the Roman Empire did the invading language take over the native language aside from England,

North Africa? Latin died out wherever it had only penetrated into urban environments. In North Africa, Berber was still spoken in most rural environments and Latin was mainly spoken in coastal cities (Punic was also around). Similarly, in Roman Britain, Latin was spoken in cities and fortresses, but Celtic languages were still dominant.

In both situations, Latin was a language for primarily elites, and when the elites became Germanic or Arabic speakers, it died out.

In Gaul, Iberia, and the Italian peninsula, Latin was spoken in the countryside and wasn't so easily displaced.