
xPeachesV t1_ja8b4uw wrote

Just outside of Springfield, the town of Republic seems to be blowing up. A lot of things happening there and it doesn’t seem to be a bad place to land. Had my wife and I bought a house a couple years later, we could have ended up there. I just didn’t want to live so far away from the heart of Springfield


xPeachesV t1_ivky5lr wrote

I am on my fifth day of suffering with a ruptured ear drum. I’ve been bedridden and haven’t been able to gain my balance but bet your ass I got out to vote today.

Thankfully, someone drove for me


xPeachesV t1_iv8iom2 wrote

Reply to comment by banjomin in Ballot by Frosty-Succotash8126

This is just me and I know I’m a rando but the way people talk about this developer shows that they are talking out of their ass.

This developer grew up in SGF, played QB at Hillcrest and has never had a bad thing to say about this town in all the years I’ve known him. I have never gotten the sense that he is some entitled asshole but the way people talk about him, it’s like they know who he is and can therefore judge his real intentions.

It’s fine for people to be against prop 1 for all the reasons laid out but some of this shit comes out of thin air


xPeachesV t1_itrngx6 wrote

The developer actually made a public statement earlier today and seemed to infer that there was a Facebook group around this issue that has been scrubbed because it reflected poorly on what people's real motivation was against No. 1.

I understand its hearsay but in this town and seeing how people act on social media, I don't think its too far of a stretch.


xPeachesV t1_itrn5d3 wrote

Reply to comment by Dbol504 in Vote NO on Question #1 by [deleted]

I'm somewhere in the middle on this. I love being near Downtown (5-7 min drive) and am glad something is being done with all that land on the Bypass in between Chestnut and Sunshine.
When I look to buy next, I'm sure I will move just a little bit further out into one of the surrounding town.