
william1Bastard t1_isibt11 wrote

How is this a "heavily moderated community", when actual clickbait is allowed to be posted? Only the abstract of this article is available without purchase of a wildly expensive subscription.


william1Bastard t1_isg5vnp wrote

Tiverton. Pardon Grey and Weetamoo woods. They're connected, so there are a few approaches. This time of year it's a trail runner's dream. Worst case scenario, you run over a husky that pops out around a corner.


william1Bastard t1_iryaw9e wrote

Reply to comment by PipeLayer2016 in Private beach clubs by AJP51017

The Goosewing end is my preference, as I like the solitude and sand. No matter what, it's closer to the open ocean than any other point in RI. The tidal flow is basically a steady stream from Nantucket sound. Nice


william1Bastard t1_iro7lwx wrote

I went to Umass Dartmouth, and some bros threw an open invite Halloween party at their rented house, about 10 mins down rt 88 in Westport. 800 people showed. Those dudes got the absolute book thrown at them. They had cops from New Bedford to Fall River there, writing minor in posession of alcohol tickets for costumed noobs till the wee hours.

Thankfully we dilly dallied playing tony hawk, and showed up late. We knew to bail when we realized there were cars parked like a mile out.


william1Bastard t1_irigkx7 wrote

Young's family farm and Old Stone Orchard are right next to each other in Little compton. It's a nice ride, and they have lots of other stuff. On the way, stop off at the Cheese Wheel Village Market in Tiverton for exotic cheeses and all types of locally produced foods and knickknacks. Also definitely check out Peckham's Greenhouse. They've got all types of stuff, including the best selection of succulents and other house plants, that I've ever seen.


william1Bastard t1_irfwwot wrote

Oh I think we know the answer to that. It'd be the same, even if pharma and other consumer industries were reigned in. They're all terrified of death, but their collective fear of losing their own personal American dream is much more palpable. They feel entitled to the niceties of their parents, regardless of reality. Mind you that this is a reality that lawmakers of their generation are fighting tooth and nail to further. It's an ouroboros of boomer/early gen x trash.


william1Bastard t1_iresk3v wrote

I cannot for the life of ne, grasp how tf he EVER gained traction in this state. I've always had an extremely dim view of Cranston on the whole, but his existence as a political entity is all their fault. Not only is your city an ugly, smelly, trash covered shithole, you clowns sold your souls for a fucking tax cut. Loser shit.


william1Bastard t1_ir53eiw wrote

All those cities in the south and midwest should have asterisks. I'm sure they're fine, unless you have a kid and you value education. If so, you'd better make enough to send them to a nice private school.

Fr though, I've never heard so much as one nice thing about Gary Indiana


william1Bastard t1_iqvypgb wrote

Reply to comment by sbaz86 in Stolen Car by Cmanera

There's no other intersection of governor and benevolent in RI. You were the aggressive kid on the short bus, weren't ya? I'll go as far as to say, that anyone who can't parse out the basic details of this post, is too stupid for reddit. Back to Facebook MFer.


william1Bastard t1_iqvihde wrote

Reply to comment by N8710 in Stolen Car by Cmanera

They said the corner of governor and benevolent. That's fairly specific. Did you need to know which of the streets it was on?