
whydidilose t1_j9ve716 wrote

I worked at a NH hospital. He came there to do some stuff for the press. Should have been good optics for both him and the hospital.

As he was leaving, he was complaining to one of his people about how shitty the hospital space provided was too small for his optics. It's fair to complain about the venue, but this guy was such a massive dick that he couldn't even wait to leave the building. That tells me what kind of person he is. His political stances don't matter.


whydidilose t1_j6hzw9g wrote

>It robs local entrepreneurs of the chance to open a dispensary and start a business. I would rather see the economic benefit go to people than government.

I do want to point out that large conglomerates have taken over the business in many other states. It sounds nice to keep things local for smaller merchants, but without any laws in place they’ll inevitably be driven out by much larger companies.


whydidilose t1_j6hqam8 wrote

Can you elaborate why it’s a problem to wait for legalization?

Weed is decriminalized in NH and most of our citizens live close to the MA or ME borders. So having access to weed isn’t an issue, and you aren’t going to get arrested for it. So how does changing things right now affect a majority of people?

If they legalize it now, it won’t be able to be sold at state owned stores since it’s still illegal federally. That means the state either loses out on all that potential out of state revenue, or the private sector takes it over only to be replaced by the state in the future.

Neither of those seem like great options to me considering there’s no issue with obtaining or having weed currently.


whydidilose t1_j51c2ft wrote

If they want to stop and have good breakfast on their way up to skiing, without having to deviate and waste time, then Tuckers is a good bet. It's one of the highest rated places in NH.

>Tucker’s has decent food but we have better spots than a plaza with Kohls, Staples, and Tucker’s …

So then actually state which place is better in Portsmouth to go to. You've contributed nothing other than saying to go to a general area - it's super lazy and not helpful. You keep getting hung up on Kohl's too which is strange.

>we have better spots than a plaza
>I just want them to have a fun time which I don’t consider a basic breakfast
>lol! :)

Your replies were super passive aggressive, and you come off as a see you next Tuesday.


whydidilose t1_j4zwigt wrote

The OP’s reply (which I responded to) said they were traveling from Boston to Gunstock. Most people wake up early to go skiing, especially on Fri- Sun when the OP is going. It’s a reasonable assumption to have if you’ve ever been skiing up there.

I offered a suggestion for a place they could stop for breakfast on their way up the most direct route.

If they want to walk around or hang out, there’s plenty of other suggestions already posted.

I don’t know why you’re being so aggressive towards my suggestion. You’ve also offered nothing specific aside from saying “we have better spots” while not actually listing anything. I’m done responding to you now.


whydidilose t1_j4zsvgp wrote

93 is 20 minutes faster

What does the location being in a plaza have to do with anything? If you’re not planning to stop and wander around then it doesn’t matter.

Boston offers a lot more if they want to walk around. NH offers outdoor, rural activities (skiing, hiking, boating, etc.). If you’re looking for urban then you’re in the wrong state. There’s absolutely nothing that Portsmouth offers that say Newburyport wouldn’t. And if time isn’t an issue at all, then go to Portland directly to/from Gunstock.


whydidilose t1_j4zo0cs wrote

If they are going to Gunstock then I assume it’s for skiing so they’ll want to be there early. Going up 93 is the fastest route from Boston. Tuckers is very good and on the way.

If they’re looking to walk around then they may as well stay in Boston. I’m not sure what Portsmouth offers that Boston doesn’t.