
werewolfmanjack t1_jdes3qc wrote

Are you sad when a free climber / parkour person falls? The consequences of excessive and willful personal risk doesn’t garner much sympathy imo. I’m sad for the family - I’m sad for the people they’ve now hurt - not sad for them. I’ve seen people on dirt bikes on sidewalks, weaving against traffic and blowing through stops, the fact that they only hurt themselves this time is a miracle.


werewolfmanjack t1_jdbbbzv wrote

No, that sounds like a waste of many peoples time. You are likely less special and less deserving than people who have asked this question previously. So just have an organic experience, if you’re capable of it. I promise it will be 10x more memorable than a crowd sourced search bar.


werewolfmanjack t1_jbropeb wrote

There are things in this life that I bet you are an expert on, and I respect that. I’d side with you on whatever they are, but with architectural critiques, no - the distasteful mediocrity of the former fane tower was part of its doom. Imagine if the design had inspired? It would be getting built. It failed. This isn’t Dubai, we don’t go for that kind of soulless shit.


werewolfmanjack t1_j8wifj7 wrote

Just came here to recommend living with roommates at your age. You’ll be able to live in a more fun area and if you pick the right people you’ll have immediate friends and entree to the city. you don’t want to only rely on your co workers as your social group. Whatever you do - it will probably work out - just my two cents. My time living with roommates in RI were the best of times - some of them becoming life long friends.


werewolfmanjack t1_j8olp2i wrote

so much of it is cultural, which has been exacerbated 1000 fold by cell phones. there is a culture of selfishness here that would take a generation to reverse. there will always be unfortunate accidents… but it still is so unacceptable - nothing will change until widespread autonomous car safety features.