
wakko666 t1_j9ku254 wrote

"extreme hatred" of simps for pedos is an appropriate response.

Some of us have known you long enough and seen enough of your horrendous behavior first hand to see through your attempts to lie about yourself.

Remind me, how many of your FSP buddies that you used to hang out with at the Quill are currently serving time in prison for possession of kiddie porn or touching kids?


wakko666 t1_ixg0zdc wrote

If it can't be done in a public place, but you're not willing to budget for a private place to shoot your scene, that means you're a terrible filmmaker.

Pay for the spaces you need or STFU.


wakko666 t1_ivwri6s wrote

>. Many want literal anarchy.

Define "many". Is that five people? Ten?

Considering that the shitbag Jeremy Kaufmann only got 10k votes, what you consider to be "many" is still an irrelevant minority compared with the numbers the other groups are posting.

As usual, Fascist-Staters are delusional. They gotta make mountains out of molehills because that's all their tiny minds can conceive of.


wakko666 t1_itrgmic wrote

Thank you for admitting that, even after citing the relevant SCOTUS ruling, you 1) haven't bothered to read it and 2) you've decided that your ignorant ahistorical opinion is somehow more correct.

Shut up until you can actually be bothered to educate yourself. Nobody cares what ignorant morons have to say. You've clearly confused having thoughts with knowledge.


wakko666 t1_itqslcs wrote


It's funny how so many of those folks don't bother to learn any parts of this nation's history that happened after 1790.

It's almost like they're trying to return to a time when it was acceptable for certain humans to only count as three-fifths of a citizen.


wakko666 t1_itqlbil wrote

>To me, it's meaningful this year because last year our majority governing body in this state moved forward out of committee a proposal to succeed from the US.


Any secession efforts are going to run squarely up against the SCOTUS decision in Texas v. White. It's worth reading the full decision. But, the tl;dr on that case is it's one of the key post-Civil War decisions that ruled on events that happened during the war.

The main question the case answers is whether US Courts have jurisdiction to rule on events that happened while southern states were supposedly no longer a part of the United States. SCOTUS decided in that case, essentially, that any state that joins the USA can't leave the USA without going to war with the rest of the USA. They decided that case on the basis that, because the Confederacy lost the war, they never _actually_ established a new nation and remained a part of the United States throughout the time that the war lasted.

So, anybody that talks about states seceding is talking about going to war with the rest of the states and the federal government. After the events of Jan 6, I don't think anybody should take such things lightly.


wakko666 t1_itb1guj wrote

The real joke is that you seem to be totally unaware of Poe's Law.

But sure, you keep thinking your "jokes" are as obvious to others as they are inside your own head.

Pro-Tip: That kind of masturbatory solipsism is generally called narcissism.

There's a whole world of people completely unlike you that exist. But naw, you just keep assuming everyone works the way you do. I'm sure that'll work out well for you.