
vtddy t1_j43g1es wrote

Your lights aren't any brighter than normal headlights. I drive a truck also. There are no safety guidelines that allow you to have brighter lights. There aren't any guidelines for anyone. It's a free for all. If they sell it you can buy it and install it. Only time they can do anything is if the lights you installed aren't DOT compliant.


vtddy t1_j43e2qt wrote

I know a lot of new vehicles have automatic headlight dimming and I don't think they are set correctly. I've said the same thing. I swear I flash my lights more than I ever have


vtddy t1_ixohgnc wrote

It's not lower in sulphur content. It is the same exact fuel as on-road diesel. It is just dyed red. No difference in diesel, off road, or #2heating oil other than the color


vtddy t1_ixoh1ol wrote

You don't need kerosene. The only reason the oil company tells you that is because it is an outside tank, I'm assuming, and kerosene won't gel up when it gets cold. What they won't tell you is, you don't need kerosene. That's right. Shocker. You can use regular home heating oil and just add a bottle of diesel fuel anti-gel in your tank to keep it from gelling up. Did this for twenty years, never a problem.