
volkommm t1_j76j293 wrote

Can you get high school volunteers to select an optimal species, procure it, excavate the tree pits, pour the concrete, load up the truck, strap it, transport it, unload it, inspect it, and then do citywide maintenance calls for the first three years?

On one hand it's actually not that hard, but on the other it's not that easy. There's a lot of logistics.


volkommm t1_j3ocp67 wrote

Most people are at the job they are at because their ACTUAL dream jobs are unattainable or unrealistic due to lack of opportunity, lack of willpower/intelligence, or other circumstances.

Not everyone can be an astronaut, but I bet you everyone on that mission planning team wishes they were.

There's a difference between people wanting a job for money and wanting a job because it's decent money and it's the best they can do.


volkommm t1_j2c98lm wrote

bro this is a different strain bro uts a diferent this is indica bro different strain this it's nto gonna give you anxiey bro there are different strains please

i need my weed bro the terpenes and canabanoids bro please just try the weed bro its purple and dank which means it's danker bro this ones called cumjuice kush