
vmurphy5 t1_j7pz4lb wrote

Most of the science surrounding inherited experience/knowledge is less about the DNA sequence itself and more about other factors, like how the DNA is expressed and the abundance of other cellular components like small RNAs.

Worms who's parents were exposed to a pathogen know to avoid that pathogen, despite never being exposed to the pathogen themselves. Worms who's parents did not have this experience do not know to avoid the pathogen. This is thought to be a result of small RNA based regulation of gene expression. https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(19)30552-5?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0092867419305525%3Fshowall%3Dtrue