
ValyrianJedi t1_jeeobbe wrote

I had a single guy change literally my entire life for me when I was like 12 out of a massive act of generosity that came from a total chance encounter... Like I would genuinely be in an entirely different and much worse place 20 years later had that chance encounter not happened... I will never stop looking for it to be my time to pay that one forward


ValyrianJedi t1_jeenu6o wrote

Tell that one to my granddad. I remember being like 5 and watching Aladdin, and after Aladin stole an apple or some shit at the beginning of the movie my granddad acted like he was the villain the rest of the movie, like yelling at Jasmine not to "get on the rug with that dirty theif"


ValyrianJedi t1_jebh74f wrote

> No, it's saying don't leave a good job now just because it's a tough time.

I can't second this enough... Obviously don't stick around for the hell of it if you don't have a plan, but sticking out a few years at a brutally miserable job pretty much made it where I'm set for virtually the rest of my career afterwards... Temporary misery can 100% be worth it


ValyrianJedi t1_je0w2al wrote

Reply to comment by bingybunny in Dolly Parton 1970s by down_bears

Yeah, the sides definitely make a big difference. The 3 cities I spend the most time in are NYC, San Francisco, and DC, and luckily those all have Mastros that clients seem to like a lot, and I usually really like their sides and apps even if I'm kind of tired of steaks. They have a seared tuna app that is insanely good, and I can usually go for oysters. Then we do usually end up getting a lot of potatoes, but normally either these mashed potatoes with lobster in them or these cheesy scalloped potatoes, and I'm usually in the mood for at least one of those. And I don't know how they cook them but they have these sauteed mushrooms that are insanely good...

But yeah, a lot of places it's basically just a steak, a baked potato, and asparagus or something. Which is admittedly great food, but gets old pretty quick.


ValyrianJedi t1_je0fsa3 wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Dolly Parton 1970s by down_bears

110%... I have to travel like 100+ nights a year for work, and probably 75% of those nights have to do dinner with clients. I usually tell them to pick whatever they want since it just goes on the company card, and 9 times out of 10 they pick some fancy steakhouse and we all go do the filet and lobster deal or whatever... If you'd told me a few years ago that I'd get tired or good steaks I wouldn't have believed you, but it is absolutely true for pretty much everybody on my team. When we don't have clients to take out we go for street cart hot dogs or Waffle House or cheap pizza or something...

I guess it isn't necessarily always the case, because I've had eggs Benedict for breakfast 4-5 days a week for like 2-3 years and am still not tired of it, but I'm guessing that's the rare exception not the norm.


ValyrianJedi t1_jdv5e1f wrote

This one took a while for me to get down. And is really tough to balance... Like 90% of my job is conveying confidence to clients, a decent bit of which is just confidence in me. So on the one hand you do legitimately have to be like "I'm the best at this and your company needs me", but on the other hand if you overdo it you end up basically playing Ellis from die hard or Jared Vennet or somebody, which turns a whole lot of people off too.


ValyrianJedi t1_jder8io wrote

Oof... Don't know if you just get too much of your info from reddit comments or are living in some fantasy world, but there isn't any point trying to argue with someone who is that separated from reality so think that doozy is where I stop responding to you.


ValyrianJedi t1_jdeihfm wrote

Capital is just as important as labor is to a business running, and most people's labor is utterly useless by itself, and frequently not able to be done in the first place without the capital and infrastructure provided by the owner... You people all seem to have some silly notion that it's all about labor and labor is all that matters, when it just isn't.


ValyrianJedi t1_jdei0rs wrote

Right. We have the highest GDP in the world, the 5th highest median income in the world (with all the countries avove us being a fraction of a fraction our size), the highest median disposable income in the world, are the business capital of the world, the finance capital of the world, and the tech capital of the world have half of the best schools in the world, have have half of the best hospitals in the world, but we totally haven't been doing good economically for the last 50+ years.


ValyrianJedi t1_jddhbfn wrote

Zip2 changed the way the businesses and customers found each other entirely. It was literally the replacement to the phone book, and first place where if you wanted to find a business you could just search categories in an online database and find numbers and addresses... PayPal impact was pretty obvious... Tesla breathed life into a virtually nonexistent EV market and has held like 3/3rds or more of the market share for over a decade. It's also at the forefront of both home and grid level energy storage... Then SpaceX literally privatized the space industry and changed the way that space vehicles made.


ValyrianJedi t1_jddbhd4 wrote

They are though. Especially in situations like that... For anything environment related the corporate veil doesn't exist, and shareholders and executives can be held personally liable in both criminal and civil cases... Like, people routinely hold owners and executives responsible for what their companies do... When Tesla does something shitty everyone acts like Elon Musk is 110% behind it and responsible for it. But then when Tesla does something good they all act like he has no responsibility for the company's actions and results.


ValyrianJedi t1_jdd56by wrote

If you aren't aware of how funding and running a company makes you responsible what the company achieves I really don't know how to help you on that one... And acting like Tesla or SpaceX would have gotten where they are without him is a massive stretch. Acting like they did it in spite of him is just silly.


ValyrianJedi t1_jdd0cw3 wrote

So now you're jumping to some entirely different argument to complain about. Kinda sounds like you just weren't aware that zip2 existed and are now scrambling to refuse to admit you were wrong... Also having a really tough time figuring out how you think "he came from a wealthy family" means that he isn't Tony Stark... Think thats my cue to stop responding to you.


ValyrianJedi t1_jdcxilg wrote

Almost like they stopped using it for a reason or something... Yeah, the guy created the first online city guide that functioned as an online phone book, wrote the software himself, and grew it into a $300m company before selling to Compaq in 1999. Zip2 was the company... Thats where he got the money to make x/paypal. Which is where he got the money to start tesla and SpaceX