
unswsydney OP t1_jd1hsb3 wrote

Afternoon r/science - sharing the results of a study into the health of children seeking asylum in Australia helmed by UNSW paediatrician and PhD student, Dr Lahiru Amarasena.

The research analysed the health assessments of 62 children and young people held on Nauru, an Australian immigration detention facility, and found physical and/or mental health difficulties in almost all children in the sample.

The team also found that 94% of children had exposure to one adverse childhood experience, 40% had exposure to one or more types of abuse or neglect and 63% had witnessed trauma.

Dr Amarasena says the team’s research adds to the evidence that immigration detention is a harmful practice for children.

The research has been published in Archives of Disease in Childhood and can be accessed here: https://adc.bmj.com/content/108/3/185


unswsydney OP t1_jc5iic1 wrote

Afternoon r/science! A team of UNSW and Garvan Institute researchers have found that introducing bacteria to a tumour’s microenvironment creates a state of acute inflammation that triggers the immune system’s primary responder cells to attack rather than protect a tumour.

The research could lead to better treatments to improve outcomes for people with advanced or previously untreatable cancers.

The work has been published in the journal Cancer Research, and is available to read here: https://aacrjournals.org/cancerres/article/doi/10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-21-4025/716558/Neutrophil-conversion-to-a-tumor-killing-phenotype


unswsydney OP t1_jc0ei8m wrote

Hi r/science!

A team of quantum engineers from our School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications have published a paper in Science Advances describing a new device that can measure the spins in materials with high precision.

Normally, commercially produced spectrometers require billions to trillions of spins to get an accurate reading, but the research team were able to measure spins of electrons in the order of thousands, meaning the new tool was about a million times more sensitive.

The paper is available to read here: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adg1593


unswsydney OP t1_jaal6yf wrote

Hi r/science - researchers from our Medical Robotics Lab have developed a proof of concept of a tiny flexible 3D bioprinter that can be inserted into the body just like an endoscope and directly deliver multilayered biomaterials onto the surface of internal organs and tissues.

The team behind the concept say that with further development the technology could be used by medical professionals to access hard-to-reach areas inside the body via small skin incisions or natural orifices.

Their work has been published in Advance Science if you’d like to have a read: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/advs.202205656


unswsydney OP t1_j9qo157 wrote

Hi there u/tornpentacle, here's a response from Prof Andrey Miroshnichenko, a lead researcher in the Nanophotonics team at UNSW Canberra.


>LCD screens use backlight illumination, and light propagates through a liquid crystal cell before entering our eyes. By changing the properties of the liquid crystal cell, the light can be blocked or not. Here we eliminate the relatively thick liquid crystal cell, maintaining the ability to control light propagation properties, making it thinner and lighter.


unswsydney OP t1_j9m8a13 wrote

G'day r/science! A team of our researchers, alongside ANU and Nottingham Trent University colleagues have developed a proof-of-concept technology that could eventually supersede LCDs and LED.

The tech – which has extraordinary light scattering properties – would replace the liquid crystal layer and would not require the polarisers, which are responsible for half of wasted light intensity and energy use in displays.

“Our pixels are made of silicon, which offers a long life span in contrast with organic materials required for other existing alternatives. Moreover, silicon is widely available, CMOS* compatible with mature technology, and cheap to produce.”

You can take a deep dive into the research paper here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41377-023-01078-6


unswsydney OP t1_j6km84i wrote

Hi r/science, jumping on to share this research led by UNSW PhD Candidate, Dr Matthew Lennon MD in collaboration with researchers from the University of Oxford and the University of Exeter.

The team found that people who experienced three or more concussions had worse cognitive function, significantly worse concentration and a reduced ability to complete complex tasks.

This is the largest study to explore the cognitive effects of concussion, or traumatic brain injury to date.

Here’s a link to the full study in the Journal of Neurotrauma, if you’d like to take a look: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/neu.2022.0360


unswsydney OP t1_j5m5yyh wrote

G’day r/science, thanks for having us. A team of our psychology researchers have found the potential for being judged online could be impacting the mood and cognitive function of young people.

Team lead on the study, Dr Susanne Schweizer, said “our research showed that when young people thought that others might be evaluating them, they felt upset and their ability to perform a basic cognitive task was impaired.”

The study was published today in Scientific Reports if you’d like to take a look: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-24932-w


unswsydney OP t1_j3oaqan wrote

HNY r/science, popping in to share this study led by UNSW Professor Xiaoqi Feng and Professor Thomas Astell-Burt from the UOW.

Prof Feng studied 100,000 Australian adults living in apartments or houses and analysed the nearby green space as well as 10 years of hospitalisation and death data.

The study found that for those living in houses, green space was associated with a lower risk of heart disease-related mortality. But not all green spaces were equally beneficial – larger amounts of tree canopy, but not open grass, was associated with these positive health effects.

Here's the link to the full study if you want to take a read: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1443950622011489?dgcid=coauthor