
universe_point t1_jb9uvi1 wrote

Ha. I was also on that meeting (virtually, from my house across the state, wonderful how that works when you can work from home), your description is very accurate. Anyways, I contacted the union this morning and requested that they push hard to keep telework for us as a part of the new contract. The person who responded to me said he has received similar feedback and would pass my message along to the negotiating team. I don’t have high hopes, but glad I said what I wanted to say.


universe_point t1_itsh6ju wrote

I don’t really understand… didn’t she write her return address on the envelope and sign the envelope which would identify it as hers? Mine didn’t come with my return address already on it, it came with 3 blank lines for me to fill it in myself, plus I was required to sign and date the outer envelope in place of signing the voter rolls book that you normally sign upon entering a polling place on Election Day.