
uneaknayum t1_j2dtef7 wrote

It's been so long since I've read it I never made the connection.

But Jesus, that's a gross comparison.

Great book for sure.

"We are here to do things we cannot do elsewhere."

I literally have The Divine Invasion open on my lap right now.

PKD is the god damn man.


uneaknayum t1_j24oh5n wrote

Great response. Thank you.

As a fan of sci-fi myself I completely get it. Heinlein wrote a book about a computer starting a political revolution. Dope book, highly recommend to anyone. But, like, nah.

I agree totally with the lack of interest in "understanding" AI.

What good would the communication do if people are not interested in the technicalities?


uneaknayum t1_j22uon8 wrote

The amount of hype in this field is beyond too much.

Although a stunning achievement in its own right, this does not really help us. Like at all.

People thinking we are gonna scale up to a million plus qubits in a superconducting modality is delusional.

Think of the secondary infrastructure needed to do that. Untenable.

It blows my mind IBM is dumping so much money into SC qubits when trapped ion or neutral atoms would scale much better.


uneaknayum t1_irh65rm wrote

Of the subspace of Algos that exist, we have only discovered a handful.

It is statistically likely that there will be, within that same space, an algorithm exists to do most things faster.

Addition might be pretty solved by this point, but no one has said solving a 100k digit addition problem by hand would be efficient.

Faster FT means a faster QTF. Gangbusters!


uneaknayum t1_irgvj6v wrote

As someone who works with quantum algorithms, literally matrix multiplication, I have super high hopes of this making its way to the QA sector and helping open up new classes of algorithms and tackle some huge problems in computation complexity.

I was very excited when I saw this yesterday.

Good post. Thanks OP.