
undeniablyavika t1_j2effkw wrote

I pushed my thick, curly bangs out of the way as I tied my long, mouse brown hair into a braid. A quick look in the mirror told me “good enough.” On such a painfully average day, nothing could happen, right? Well, incorrect! My name is Yuna, and I’m an apprentice to the greatest wizard in the land. I’m learning how to be a wizard. Because my family is quite well known, I’m able to get these kinds of opportunities. I’m extremely grateful for that. Anyway, back to the present! I arrived at the cottage, and closed the door. My master would always yell at me to close the door after I entered. “Mr. Canmore?” I called out. No reply. “Mr. Canmore?!” I called again, this time, louder. “Horus?!” he’d always hated when I’d use his first name. Still no reply. “He may be in his study” I thought. But the problem is, I’m not allowed in there. I always wondered why. Was there something he was hiding? But I couldn’t contain my curiosity today. He wasn’t here, after all. But if he was in his study, I’d be screwed. I decided to take the risk. As I opened the door, something hard fell and hit my head, and I fell to the ground. “Ouch!” I exclaimed. Looking at the object, I realized that it was a book. A hard cover book? Why was a book falling from the sky? I was still pissed about the fact that a flying book hit me on the head, but I opened it anyway. I soon started to regret it afterward. What if it was a test by Mr. Canmore? What if he used a spell to make it fly towards me to see if I was loyal enough to not go into the study? My mind spun with thoughts. But I was curious. And he was old. “He’ll forget in no time” I thought. I opened the book. It seemed to be old, with beat up pages and barely legible words. Words in…Latin? Latin isn’t spoken anymore. Luckily, I knew Latin. I looked through it and realized it was a spell book. I noticed a spell that caught my eye. I couldn’t tell what it was supposed to be. Out of curiosity, I recited the spell. It was one phrase, repeated three times. “He will come back.” Suddenly, a large creature appeared. It growled at me, and I noticed it had sharp teeth. REALLY sharp teeth. I jumped back in fright, stumbling to the exit. I tripped over a table, and fell on the hard floor. I tried to get up, but the creature was strong. It loomed over me. It was tall and large! I backed away in a desperate attempt to live. But it sat up, as if it…recognized me? “Yuna Deamonne” it said, in a deep, firm voice. I gasped. It could talk? It seemed more…animal like. I was confused on why it was here, until I realized that the spell I cast summoned it. THAT’S what it meant by “He will return.” Looking back, that should’ve been obvious. “Master Deamonne.” Deamonne? That isn’t my last name. “You have brought me back. As repayment, I shall punish who has wronged you.”


undeniablyavika t1_j2c71tp wrote

I’m in deep shit now. I’ve been running from the authorities for a week straight and I’m still not safe. So for context on why, I’ll explain. My family started a rebellion years and years ago, that spread everywhere. Now everyone thinks the government is full of shit. (Which is true.) There is one disagreement in the community of rebels. There are 2 groups of rebels. One is a group of annoying goody-two-shoes that believe in “fate” and other bullshit. The other group is a group of “old fashioned pessimists.” I think that’s bullshit. We’re just practical! (I think you can guess which group I’m in by now.) Anyway, back to the present. I may or may not have blew up a building as my form of rebellion… So now I’m in Who-knows-where-land, lying on the ground. Lying on the ground? Just now, I realized that I shouldn’t be lying on the ground. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I was horrified as I realized there was blood all over. Shit, I must’ve been shot on my way out! I would’ve called for help, except I’m in Who-knows-where-land, and one wrong move and I’ll be caught and hanged. I looked around and spotted a boy who looked around my age. He was quite handsome, with curly golden hair and bright, violet eyes. So bright, I noticed with a dizzy fascination. I thought he noticed me, and I was right. “Oh my god, are you okay?!” he exclaimed. It should be pretty obvious, as there was blood all over. “Does it look like I’m o-“ a sharp pain in my head prevented me from saying anything. I noticed his uniform. The goody-two-shoes uniform. “H-hang in there! I’ll get help! I-I have a first aid kit on me!” he stuttered. He stuttered so much I could barely tell what he was saying. I managed to say “You’re a rebel too?” he took a look at my uniform and said “You’re in the other group! Well…still a rebel. Where did you come from?” I know it was an impulsive decision, but I ended up telling him everything about my failed mission down to the fact I’m a defendant of the original rebels while he bandages my wounds. He nodded and said “Until you find the rest of your group…partners? I’m Noah!” Even though I wasn’t thinking straight, I did think enough to say “We don’t do “partners.” And we DON’T tell strangers our names.” But the disappointed look on his face was enough to change my mind. “Opal.” His response was “Like the gem?” That was the last thing I heard before the world went dark. Later, I woke up in a soft but unfamiliar bed, where I noticed a familiar but unfamiliar face sitting next to me. “I guess fate chose us to be together. Welcome back to the land of the living, partner!” he said. I came back to my senses, shocked at this unfamiliar setting. “Who are you, and where am I?!”


undeniablyavika t1_j275ih7 wrote


Avika glanced at the clock. 12:30. There was 5 minutes until lunch, the time she dreaded the most, but also anticipated the most. Lunch was a nightmare, but it was better than sitting through a boring lecture of things she already knew. She glanced at the clock again. Still 12:30. “Jesus, why can’t time pass faster?!” she thought. But that’s the weird thing about time. 5 minutes can either be an instant or an eternity. In this case, it was an eternity. As if the universe was finally listening to her, the big minute hand shifted to the left. 12:31. Time crawled by, but it crawled. Another minute. And another. And another. Until finally, it was 12:35. But the teacher said nothing. Avika gave her a look that was practically demanding her to let the class leave. But she waited. 12:36. Finally, the dreaded and anticipated words were spoken. “Alright everyone, it is time for lunch. Leave your stuff and we’ll pick up where we left off later.” Everyone left, buzzing with excitement and chatter. Mindless chatter. Behind her, Avika’s classmate and childhood friend, Isaac Lambert, addressed her. “Hey.” Avika jumped, not expecting Isaac to be there. “What the h3ll is wrong with you?! Who goes up to someone without warning and-“ She was cut off by Isaac before she could finish her scolding. “Sorry, sorry. Anyway, you sitting with me and the rest?” She stared at him. She has a way of communicating her message without even lifting a finger. “Does it look like I have anywhere else to go? Tell your idiot friends I’ll be joining them.” Isaac smiled at her, which triggered an emotion she couldn’t explain. As she walked down the familiar hallways, she noticed all the groups, people that belonged with each other, and she couldn’t help but feel lonely, but she brushed it off. As she entered the cafeteria, she looked for any familiar faces. She found three. Rowan Hartley, Varush Kumar, and Matheo Alburez. They were friends with Isaac, and social outcasts. Varush greeted her, and patted the seat next to him. She sat on the opposite side. Soon, the rest of the group arrived. Wolfe Zielski, Clayton Howard, and Isaac, who are also outcasts. The entire group consisted of outcasts who no one cares about. They all knew each other and were close. All except Avika. She was an outcast in a group of outcasts. The whole conversation was a blur for Avika, except for one thing. “Hey, do you guys want to come over tonight?” Isaac gestured to Avika, inviting her as well. “We can play games, and summon demons!” Avika facepalmed, before replying “Do you even know how to summon a demon?” He bit his lip, and looked to the side. “Seriously?! Anyone?!” The whole group stared in silence. Not only because they had no clue, but also because Avika actually talked to them. She sighed, and then replied “Lucky for you, I know how to. I’ll come. Give me the date and address.” There are some moments that feel irrelevant, but end up being either an amazing or terrible decision. For Avika, this was one of those life changing moments.