
ulfr OP t1_ja7c766 wrote

Reply to comment by aftenbladet in TIFU by keeping my mouth shut by ulfr

I mean to be fair I was fine with the screaming. Well, I wasn't fine but it wasn't at crisis level yet. Could've easily waited till he was done in the shower.

I agree with the puke thing, and there will be revenge


ulfr OP t1_ja4y49w wrote

Reply to comment by Culli789 in TIFU by keeping my mouth shut by ulfr

Hope so! I just know tempers grow in proportion to the sleep dep, figured it was better to get while the getting was good, you know?

Definitely going to monologue a lot more if it's just me and the kids though.


ulfr OP t1_j6ni7x9 wrote

When I spoke with the priest he said this was outside his area of responsibility, and referred me to a separate party to handle the situation.

I'd like to think he sent up a prayer for me, but my faith has been more along the lines of 'to whom it may concern' rather than any specific deity.

I've got utmost respect for Christianity and anyone following any particular religion, but after my pastor called the FBI on me over a misunderstanding I've taken a step back from any particular faith. Read most of the holy books and came to the determination that for me personally? It doesn't seem to matter which one you worship so long as you do your utmost to not be a detriment to the world around you and if able, leave the world a better place than when you found it. Or it found you as the case may be