
tyco_brahe t1_j92u5yw wrote

IDK. It's pretty important to me what my co-workers, friends, family, and neighbors think of me. Even the people who provide services to you. It's all important what they think of you.

if they think you're a jerk, a failure, an idiot, etc. it'll have an outsized effect on your relationship with those people.

I read way too much into this. Is this really just saying "don't be afraid of failure"? That's much easier to say.


tyco_brahe t1_j4x8oso wrote

Necessity is the Mother of invention. Laziness is the Father.

I don't view "lazy" as a pejorative when describing system 2. To me, it means that it's efficient... it won't be engaged unless is has to, because it's expensive (metabolically).

Mostly I was just making a joke about 'lazy' system 2.


tyco_brahe t1_j3i81im wrote

This is really interesting, and I think you hit the nail on the head with the human gestation period.

It might not even be mal-nutrition. If you count from the first missed period, you get around 36 weeks / 9 months / 252 days. It's completely possible for the 260 days to be what they observed from the first indication of pregnancy (missed period) to birth and it doesn't require mal-nutrition or premature birth.