
tuberosum t1_jctkgd1 wrote

> Canceling people’s contracts based on their views and not professional performance is a straight way to… becoming Putin’s Russia in no time.

Considering that NYS, along with many states in the US, has been an at will employment state where you could be fired for any reason whatsoever at any time (barring protected classes, of which political preference isn't one), we've long since crossed the Rubicon on being like Putin's Russia by your logic.

To put it simply, your employer can fire you for wearing the wrong color T-shirt or because they don't like the buckle on your belt if they so want to.


tuberosum t1_jaozlfh wrote

They've always been the agency responsible for towing vehicles without license plates. You could use 311 to make the report for a while now.

BUT! And here's the rub, when you'd make the report, there was a pretty good chance they'd close it out without actually removing the vehicle. .

I know from multiple personal experiences. Vehicles without plates, who I photographed without plates and put those photos in the report would suddenly have plates when DSNY closed out the complaint. I'd have to contact the NYPD for a tow, it's not DSNY responsibility, you see.

Similar tricks and tactics are also used by NYPD for cars with plates. They'll suddenly lose plates when they go close out the complaint meaning you have to notify DSNY for a tow, it's not NYPD responsibility you see...

The other thing they'd do is close the report by stating the offending item was removed, and would you guess it, the abandoned truck was there, the next morning, as if it sprouted from the ground.


tuberosum t1_j9gi5jg wrote

I'm not really sure what the point of that article is.

Yeah, shit was bought at a premium, in a hurry, because we had no idea which way things were going to go. Hospitals were running out of supplies and doctors and nurses sported hefty bags instead of disposable scrubs and were asked to "sterilize" and reuse their own disposable masks.

What should have been the right move? Wait and see? I guess that's the implication here, that this was all wasted money that the city could have saved if it only waited and saw how things were going. Except, of course, then The City could have written a nice article about how city leaders knew and could source supplies but waited, choosing to save money, instead saving who knows how many lives.


tuberosum t1_j5k8ek2 wrote

P and R are oil proof and oil resistant respectively. Unless you need that level of protection from oil it's a waste of money.

Additionally, there's something to be said about accessibility. The disposable market is saturated primarily with N95 and the reusable market is saturated primarily with P100. Other filters (N99, N100, P95, P99, R95, R99 and R100) do exist, of course, but they represent a relatively minor part of the market and might require ordering from specialized vendors. They're not really something you're going to be able to get reliably at a local Walgreens or Home Depot.

EDIT: That's not even mentioning that for 100 (be they N, R or P) level filters you should really have a fit test in order to ensure that you're actually getting a good seal, otherwise you've really wasted money for higher protection that won't even happen.


tuberosum t1_iwq8o5y wrote

> Theyre trying to shake down the govt for our tax dollars or else theyre going to cut jobs and services. They claim ridership is down since COVID and for some reason they think taxpayers should foot the bill.

Do you know what happens when you let people go and then need them back once ridership goes up?

You pay a shitload of overtime since plenty won't return. Great deal for us, pay out even more in overtime!


tuberosum t1_ivfs4wr wrote

Oh, I see you're not familiar with how policing budgets work:

  1. When crime is low, you increase the budget to keep the crime low.

  2. When crime is rising, you increase the budget to slow and reverse the rise.

  3. When crime is high, you increase the budget to attempt to lower the crime.

  4. And finally, when crime is going down, you increase the budget to make sure it keeps going down.

And you just repeat the cycle as appropriate, year by year.


tuberosum t1_iv1intq wrote

It seems to me that a fair portion of drivers in NYC have decided to completely ignore traffic rules or any sort of normal behavior on roads. I've seen more people drive in the wrong lane, speeding, not stopping at stop signs, ignoring red lights and all other manner of traffic offenses in the past couple of years than in the last 20 years of driving and walking in and around NYC. Coincidentally, or anecdotally, more aptly put, I see this behavior more often from people with the newest NYS plates.

Interestingly enough, I also see little to no enforcement of any sort of road rules anymore. Even easy as fuck tickets, like ticketing 53' trailers, are not being done (as evident by the massive proliferation of 53' trailers all over the city. We all know they're not carrying non-divisible loads and didn't file any sort of plan with the NYC DOT for entering and exiting the city).


tuberosum t1_iuech7a wrote

I've only had it happen before with changing insurance and the old insurance terminated my policy up to the beginning of the month instead of the day I switched. In this case, the mistake was on the insurance side so they corrected it and my registration suspension was removed.

If I were in your case, I'd consider calling your insurance company and seeing if they can retroactively send proof of coverage for NYS?

If they can't do that or aren't willing to do that, you might just have to serve out your suspension.

>The suspension on the driver license will not end until you have paid the suspension termination fee and have served the suspension.


tuberosum t1_iue6385 wrote

Her security detail is provided by NYS Police. Let’s say that they stop this “cloak” immediately, tomorrow, what exactly changes?

The state will penalize the state for driving around in the service of the state?

Additionally, those vehicles in the article all have flashing lights, and are driven by cops as is, what’s preventing them from driving around with their lights on which allows them broad latitude in obeying speed limits and traffic lights?


tuberosum t1_itlrlb8 wrote

The fault lies entirely in the banks and rating agencies that sold those mortgages as parts of CDOs that had been rated AAA when, in fact they definitely weren't.

The fact that the banks could make more money selling those CDOs than the profits from the actual mortgages led to banks being far more willing to issue loans to people who couldn't demonstrate a sufficient ability to pay. Who cares, after all, it's not the mortgage that'll make money for the bank!

And with banks playing fast and loose with mortgages, it allowed an influx of a lot of money into the market which ended up bringing up the prices of housing stock. Since, if money is cheap and available to the buyers, the sellers would have to be fools not to increase their prices.

And when the bank's irresponsibility finally caught up to them, the whole system fell like a house of cards.

How this would have played out in a normal world without commercial banks being investment banks as well: bank would issue mortgages, and since they rely on the return of those mortgages to finance their profits, they make sure that those receiving the mortgages have the ability to pay. Some foreclosures still happen since shit happens, but the banking system in it's entirety chugs along as per usual.