
tormundgiantbrain t1_isq8ajf wrote

Reply to comment by anomnnomnom in [Image] Discipline by Scandroid99

I had a very similar experience. Was very carefree and a tad lazy in my teens and early 20s, so mid 20s I started to force myself to be more organized and disciplined which was what I needed honestly but looking back at the self dialogue it was very harsh. Then I got used to that harsh inner voice being the norm and my work ethic and accomplishments just never seemed good enough. I kept the nose to the grindstone but at great personal cost to my happiness and relationships. Now the idea of being disciplined seems kinda icky and I guarantee it is my inner self saying "enough" to the brutal task master. There is a healthy balance in there somewhere and your comment about the self compassion aspect of discipline has totally changed my perspective on it so thank you!