
toftinosantolama t1_j5rxq32 wrote

Reply to comment by entarko in [D] CVPR Reviews are out by banmeyoucoward

I don't doubt your experience. Mine is totally different. I've never flipped one reviewer even thought I've always been polite and the reviewer clearly and objectively wrong. They just don't care. They have too much power. The AC just goes with the flow. This is not peer review, it's a joke.

This is not the case in ML conferences, according to my experience, it's a CV thing...


toftinosantolama t1_j5rvxa3 wrote

Reply to comment by entarko in [D] CVPR Reviews are out by banmeyoucoward

Well the rating could be hidden... Not that this is the problem, the problem is that the reviews are really entitled and not willing to stand corrected. I've these so many times. And I'd bet this kind of reveiwrs are phd students, not very clever ones.


toftinosantolama t1_j5rtegr wrote

I don't have an answer to your question, but given that the reviewers don't know the scores of the rest of the reviewers during the rebuttal, a good rebuttal could raise potentially all of them, but even with 2 borderlines being raised to weak accepts, accept should be possible. Good lucks folks.