
tifuteacher001 OP t1_jaeemiq wrote

I totally agree and take full accountability for what I did. I know I could have done a lot more to stop him.

I never thought about him this way before, even during I was like what?? But I also think when you see students every day, it's a whole different thing. I haven't seen him in 8 months, and I unfortunately didn't really think about him as a student anymore


tifuteacher001 OP t1_jaedozg wrote

Oh I know I'm an idiot.

He never did anything before this that I can classify as too far. I think the only contact was maybe the last school day when they all gave me a hug?

But I did see him outside of work, but just in passing if I was hanging out with his mother. And I would never had said yes if it was his suggestion, but I trusted the mom, and kinda assumed I was hanging out with something similar to a little brother
