
thuglass88 t1_itod0u1 wrote

I can't imagine keeping my cool in that scenario. Parent, tell your kid to deal with it. Learning to do shit we don't want to do is literally a base necessity for living in our society. Stop creating little monsters.

Tell your wife that there are people who still respect and admire the work teachers do. Don't give up if you can avoid it. Push for unions. Push for better working conditions. Don't let public ed fall into private hands.


thuglass88 t1_itnr08j wrote

Thanks Koch brothers! Can't wait to read the few articles printed only in fringe publications 4 years from now detailing the organized and billionaire funded attack on our education system that has led to a charter school system where any random person can make 14.50 an hour teaching students whatever propaganda said billionaires want them to believe. This is so much bigger than we are collectively appreciating, but who has the energy left to deal with it?

God do I hate the rich.


thuglass88 t1_itnpykf wrote

I like how they are forming a task force for teacher retention to figure out why people are leaving as if it's some kind of mystery. Low pay, abusive and inattentive students, overly entitled parents, a governor who has weaponized parents against teachers, bloated administrations, increased responsibilities without compensation...big fucking mystery.