
thtanner t1_j73hwng wrote

It's still really funny and there is always a moment to enjoy in an episode, don't get me wrong there. Just seems to be missing something. Maybe it's the fact that there seems to be no .. risk of the outside world in these later seasons. Like normal humans are an merely inconvenience now, but early seasons they seemed to go out of their way to mask their movements/etc and avoid unnecessary contact. I'm probably overthinking things too lol.


thtanner t1_j1l5jr9 wrote

...and the 2 years prior had a global pandemic. Stuff happens, a lot. It's rarely ever just 'smooth sailing' and I think we take it for granted when it is.

To put it into context, WW2 was only 82 years ago. How many world-altering military, political, and ideological clashes have occurred since then all over the world? What about financial crisis, etc? People act like things are hunky dory all the time, and they really just aren't.
