
throwawaythedo t1_jedwokf wrote

I hope they can nail the fuck faces that park IN broad street.

Are you that person (not you, OP, just in general)? Can I ask you why you believe that YOU are so special that you don’t have to look for parking, but everyone else does? Do you think your convenience outweighs the traffic safety of all the drivers, bikers, and pedestrians on Broad street?

I hate circling for parking too. Especially if I’m “just running in real quick”. My real quick though is at least a minute and in that minute several accidents could have happened. So, no, it’s not “just a sec”.

This has always been a problem in Philly, but in the last few years, it has gotten to the point where Broad street is becoming more of a parking lot than a street.

Why? Have people gotten more selfish, less patient since Covid? And why? I understand that we spent a good portion of those years in lock down only really having to answer to ourselves, but is it that easy to undo basic consideration for others that was once expected from your fellow human? Perhaps they’ve always been that way and are learning that they can get away with it with impunity. Idk. Thanks for letting me vent.


throwawaythedo t1_j62v5jh wrote

No no no, You’re not going to FTW it’s this to make it seem like this sub is unwelcoming. It makes complete sense that anyone with a connection to Philly would come to this sub. Philadelphia is an amazing city! With amazing people and amazing culture. What is annoying is when outsiders come in to complain about an angry hive-mind obsession (insulting us/rallying troops) when it’s not your hive to mind. You’re welcome in my home, just don’t come and trash it.


throwawaythedo t1_j5ze32j wrote

You’re literally on a sub for a city you don’t live in, telling us we’re obsessed with the city we live in, while you rely on the city for income.

Maybe instead of being obsessed, we’re simply responding to your obsession with not understanding city folk and insulting us for liking where we live. You love the burbs? Stay there, work there and leave the city you don’t understand to those of us who do.


throwawaythedo t1_j5xy29l wrote

Well, we keep you employed so be grateful for that :)

I’m equally mystified by folks who are obsessed with the boring suburbs. I mean, they have parking, but literally nothing else. And who are these overly prideful people? I lived S Philly my whole life (with the exception of a 3 year attempt in the burbs) and I’ve never heard anyone talk more pridefully about their house or neighborhood, like they do in the burbs. Keepin up with the Jones’ is a suburban saying, after all.


throwawaythedo t1_j2d7kj0 wrote

Civil Lit attorneys mostly use a contingency contract. If there is a settlement, the attorney takes what they said they’d charge in the contract, and the client gets the rest. But, the client does not spend a dime to retain, have representation, court fees, etc. The firm puts up all this money with the hopes that they’ll win a profit.

If no settlement is agreed upon and it goes to trial, the attorney could lose quite a bit. I served on a civil jury where the cost for a forensic actuary alone was 10k/day. They were suing for millions and we awarded him nothing (he was a lying mfer). His attorneys were out quite a bit of money. But, shame on them for turning down the settlement, agreeing to trial bc they genuinely thought this guy was going to get sympathy from the jury.


throwawaythedo t1_j1waojq wrote

I tried listening to interviews with her and she’s so professional that she doesn’t really talk about it on a personal level. I keep checking YouTube to see if any jurors have spoken out, but no results.

Would be nice to see how he’s doing in prison. I know he attempted to sell his story to a journalist. 😂😂😂