thecrgm t1_je7glv8 wrote
Reply to comment by throwaway8272727s in In Washington heights they tour up the roads to do work and revealed the old cobblestone beneath (184 & Pinehurst) by soylentgreenis
At some point if enough people use a word colloquially for something it becomes part of the meaning. There are plenty of words that didn’t originally mean something and now do because people believed a word meant something and it became that.
I’ve never heard someone say “wow this sett road is so bumpy!” it’s always cobblestone.
And the next part is “…although a sett is distinct from a cobblestone in that it is quarried or worked to a regular shape, whereas the latter is generally a small, naturally-rounded rock.”
thecrgm t1_je6q8j1 wrote
Reply to comment by grambell789 in In Washington heights they tour up the roads to do work and revealed the old cobblestone beneath (184 & Pinehurst) by soylentgreenis
“Setts are often referred to as ‘cobblestones’”
thecrgm t1_jajdlhe wrote
Reply to Pols target NYC’s violent, repeat shoplifters with bill to protect retailer workers just like cops, firefighters by NYY657545
People always talk about how they want more small businesses to survive but don’t protect them. Shoplifting is so much more harmful to these delis & small businesses than the big chains. Should be protecting them
thecrgm t1_ja6eu24 wrote
Can we just stop changing street names it’s confusing
thecrgm t1_j7va61y wrote
Reply to People from the poorest backgrounds are far more likely to develop a mental disorder later in life than those from wealthier beginnings. More than half of people with a low educational attainment at age 30 will have a diagnosis of a mental disorder 22 years later by Wagamaga
Really because it seems like all my rich friends have 5 prescriptions for adhd, depression, anxiety, bi-polar, etc. Most medicated people I’ve ever seen
thecrgm t1_iztem3z wrote
Reply to [OC] In honor of the World Cup, FIFA Rankings of World Cup 2022 Quarterfinalists from 1993 to 2018 by TheBerg974
how tf did france go down to 25
thecrgm t1_ixdoukm wrote
Reply to comment by pton12 in New report reveals that New York has the 3rd best mobile network speed and coverage in the nation in study comparing download/upload speeds, latency, and total coverage area across 100 US cities by LithiumLawson
It’s because they bought sprint
thecrgm t1_isv0red wrote
Reply to comment by RetroZelda in 'I smell some weed,' NYC Mayor delighted by Times Square dank by Ajkrouse
Bruh what u on I’ve never seen crack on the f train and been riding it 20 years
thecrgm t1_isv0oka wrote
Reply to comment by Durppig60 in 'I smell some weed,' NYC Mayor delighted by Times Square dank by Ajkrouse
How u smell crack
thecrgm t1_je7mz9b wrote
Reply to comment by spelunkingspaniard in In Washington heights they tour up the roads to do work and revealed the old cobblestone beneath (184 & Pinehurst) by soylentgreenis
Wrong about what? I posted a quote