
the_other_50_percent t1_jbsbjwk wrote

You’d call a single (as in one) woman “guy”? I don’t think so. “You’re a nice guy” is not gender-neutral.

It’s OK to admit unconscious biases, like assuming a random redditor is male. We all have unconscious biases. What matters is the choice to recognize them and try to lessen their effect; or to deny it and make ridiculous claims to the person who notices it.


the_other_50_percent t1_j22s47t wrote

I think you’re absolutely right. She’s not shocked at his ill-temper. She’s on guard, checking in on everyone and giving a George little warnings hoping he’ll rein it in, but when he doesn’t, she handles it.

It’s a wonderful (ha) love story, but not a fairy tale of sugary happiness.

After all, the S&L is saved, but Potter doesn’t give the deposit back. Their work and financial lives won’t change.


the_other_50_percent t1_j22mkzo wrote

In the scene when George snaps at his family, she does so much more than what you described, which would be the “support the man and be virtuous” trope. She sees that he’s off and might harm the children, and calls him out for it, cleverly and maturely blocking it from getting any worse.

In no way does Mary force George to stay. They were on their way to travel on their honeymoon, and it’s not like they were going to stay abroad or had plans to live elsewhere immediately. They could have sold the house once they fixed it up - and they couldn’t have afforded anything in better shape, it seemed.

Mary knew how to get George jealous so that he would finally make a move on her, arranged to buy a house and whip up a last-minute loving plan B of a honeymoon. She kept George from getting in his own way over indecision, frustration, anger, and pride. He was always a wonderful person, but likely wouldn’t have had the wonderful life full of so many friends and grateful customers without Mary.

And as we saw thanks to a Clarence, her life wouldn’t have been wonderful without her purposeful love with George.


the_other_50_percent t1_isx5u8c wrote

Yes, and Healey surely knows that and upholds it as AG and would as governor. Because Democrats aren’t for illegal required participation in prayer (or implied by having it be led by a teacher or an official part of a school program), Republicans of course lie and say they’re anti-prayer.