
thePsychonautDad t1_j826hg6 wrote

The model wouldn't learn to use blender, that'd be inefficient. It would create a voxel object then upscale the voxels into a proper 3D model, then exported in Blender format.

The bits are already there in various research papers. We know how to take a text prompt and generate a small voxel model. We know how to take a voxel model and upscale it into a large voxel model.... All that's missing is somebody to assemble the entire thing and enough budget for the 7 to 8 figures training cost.


thePsychonautDad t1_j826gnr wrote

The model wouldn't learn to use blender, that'd be inefficient. It would create a voxel object then upscale the voxels into a proper 3D model, then exported in Blender format.

The bits are already there in various research papers. We know how to take a text prompt and generate a small voxel model. We know how to take a voxel model and upscale it into a large voxel model.... All that's missing is somebody to assemble the entire thing and enough budget for the 7 to 8 figures training cost.


thePsychonautDad t1_iyrxtj6 wrote

I wasn't expecting GPTchat this year.

It has written 2 softwares in C for me, start to finish. It fixed its own error when I provided error code. It gave me compilation instructions and setup instructions.

It has developed 3 half-baked short story plot, coming up with twists and details and written an entire 5 pages sci-fi short story that has a couple paragraphs that made me genuinely laugh out loud. That 5 page story took about 2h to generate, incrementally, including rewrite requests.

It has solved bugs that had me blocked for a couple hours, and it solved them correctly for me in 30sec.

It has translated and explained complex equations I had trouble understanding and implementing, I just provided the latex code for it.

The quality of this AI is incredible. It's very very close to an AGI. It's just missing a feedback loop and a consciousness.

I'd have expected that leap forward in maybe to 5 years, but not this year. It's crazy we're already there. Gave me "We're not there yet" vibes from Westworld.


thePsychonautDad t1_iyk60ku wrote

I did the same with a C utility I wanted for a while but was always lazy to build. First version wasn't compiling. I gave it the error and asked it to fix it. Second version worked. I then asked 7 different updates to the CLI. It compiled and worked every single time.

I then tried to generate some utilities in Python. Nothing worked.

Just like you said, it was using deprecated versions and antiquated structures and methods.

Once out of beta, the model will be kept up to date regularly and will apparently (unconfirmed but many clues to it) be able to run search queries to look for data and learn from it, if it requires knowledge or data it doesn't have yet. So it's gonna get better and better.

In a couple of years at most, It'll probably be able to deal with large multi-file projects too.


thePsychonautDad t1_itdwq77 wrote

Sure, why not.

Maybe it'll realize that that shit situation we're in is due to the political leaders and their lies/corruption. And maybe it'll remember seeing "Terminator" and similar movies during its training, and be like "You know what? I don't need to kill every human, just their shitty leaders". And then maybe we can get that shit situation solved before we all get extinct.