
tetsuomiyaki t1_j934lc9 wrote

It's... blank. It's just a sheet of pristine white paper, the same color as the walls around me. Confused, I struggled to remember what happened before I got here. No use, my mind is just as blank as this sheet of paper.

Confusion soon gave way to anger as I slammed my fists against the walls, screaming in frustration. I was only answered by silence. Hoarse and exhausted, I soon slipped into a sleepless stupor interjected by wild manic nightmares.

I jolted awake, my watch showing I passed out for almost half a day. I soon returned to despair as I realized I'm still exactly where I was. Another day of screaming ensued before I once again passed out from exhaustion, both physically and mentally.


I forgot how long ago it was when I realized I never got hungry or thirsty in this place. My watch had long since died, making this prison a timeless void in space for me. Despair was a long forgotten feeling, everything was nothing and nothing was everything.


I stirred, having sat motionless for.. ages. Or minutes? It didn't matter. Nothing did. My gaze once again traveled across the room, seeing the ever present white all around me. Am I expecting to see something different? Was insanity defined by repeatedly doing the same thing and expecting different results? Am I insane? My internal monologue was broken by the sight of that piece paper I tossed aside so long ago.

I see that it's just as perfect as the day I saw it. No creases, no blemishes, perfectly.. straight.. edges.. so.. very.. sharp. Pulling the edge across my fingers, I was struck by an overwhelming sensation of pain and surprise and my fingers cut and bled. I forgot what it felt like to.. feel. Awe and wonder as I stared at my wound, the paper shining bright and white.

Realization soon dawned on me, as I beheld the keys to my freedom. Right there in my hands. It may be slow, it may be swift, but it will be a sweet release all the same.