
tehPeteos t1_ja88fhv wrote

'You just don't understand though; you thought it was (x), when it's actually (y)! You're just not smart enough to get it!'

..is the gist of many of the arguments I've seen in favour of this show, lol - no /s in sight.

It'll be forgotten in a month or two, as it should be.


tehPeteos t1_j972vqa wrote

Not just a bully; you could argue that this is sexual harassment.

The senior deserves to be called out and lose his job, which I hope the OP follows through on. I've worked in toxic offices like that, with people who turned up too late to even scrape the bottom of the morality barrel. Never again.

I wonder how many other people there have stories of him being a vulgar bawbag, and how much HR / his boss knows.

OP should be looking for new employment regardless; if there's one of those chucklefucks in a senior role, it's safe to say it's management-endorsed and that the company is probably rotten from the top down.


tehPeteos t1_j6mbe0k wrote

Teaching their son that it's ok to take other peoples things? That couldn't possibly go wrong. Your parents are failing. You say you don't want to make your life a living hell but imo living under a roof with people like that, that you're supposed to be able to trust, is already hell. It might seem ok now, but given their doubling-down on defending your brother I suspect that in a few months you'll feel very differently.

Wait for the next time he puts his phone down outside the room, nab it, and pretend you've sold it.


tehPeteos t1_ixsbz5f wrote

They sound like some great friends, but do let them know that the glasses don't really work - in case they go getting them for someone else in the future! Every once and a while a video post pops up here of some muppet putting them on and crying like they've just seen the face of god, and they always end up being called out on their nonsense. There's lots of videos on YT about this particular sham; Scishow has a good one if memory serves.