
tachyon8 t1_j6fr6ir wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Why not EQ? by ChromicClaw2

Ok, but measurements show the actual distortion and HD650 produces a bit less and they can both handle 10db bass boost just fine. Distortion in the lower frequencies is harder to hear and actually ends up sounding like more bass and its still only at 5% with a 10db boost. Also consider the fact a subwoofer that everyone loves to hear produces something like over 20%. What you're talking about is not really an issue.


tachyon8 t1_j6dz4ft wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Why not EQ? by ChromicClaw2

Yet the distortion on the hd650 is a bit lower than the HD800. Also its a moot point because with the exact same frequency response they do not sound the same. Now throw the sundara in there with the exact FR, it will not sound like either of them. The unique flavor is derived from the over all construction and drivers despite having the same FR.


tachyon8 t1_j57opcu wrote

Your points are mostly about your self admitted animosity towards Amir and constructing false framing, false dichotomies and straw men. I have no interest in debating that. Also, you can't tell me what I hear or don't hear or what headphones I have owned or how data is useful for me and in what way.

I keep talking about distortion because that is what these "TOTL" high "fidelity" headphones produce and it can be audible and these headphones obviously have variations in how they preform. Abyss is selling people a "feeling", not fidelity. Pretty obvious why you like your LCD-5 more, IMO.

I'll continue to listen to 1khz sine sweeps, its all I listen to, and I sometimes sit in silence with my headphones on listening to graphs..../s


tachyon8 t1_j56562n wrote

Ugh, you're just repeating tired old things that have all been settled over there. Like the sustained 94db vs peak and on the mounting... You just don't like him or the people on the site and you're missing the point of that site in general as its not headfi. Its about the objective performance of the hardware. You just don't like him or his listening conclusions even though it seems that you accepted the hardware results. I don't read audiophile review articles about impression as they are worthless to me. The data says far more if you have reference points to compare it to. Again the site is about hardware not his listening conclusions.

I had the diana v2 as well and I thought it was "meh" too. Probably a reason you like the LCD-5 despite it having a similar FR, ear pads and closeness to the ear is the incredibly low amounts of distortion. Even though you EQ'd a bass shelf on the Diana the distortion from bass is far less audible than in other frequencies. The fact that the distortion is so bad in the places that matter if you wanted to EQ on top of it being so bad stock, is an objective failure for an audio company selling high "fidelity" audio, as its not.