
tabs_jt t1_jcatlzm wrote

I read the books when i was 15 and didnt like them that much but it wasnt bad.

LOTR was the first fantasy book with such a big world building, different new languages etc. thats why its so big. Because everything similar to it has its roots on LOTR. (for example GRRM had a lot of inspiration on JRRT)


tabs_jt t1_ja7xopm wrote

If you dont like it and dont have fun with the book, just give up. You dont have to force yourself reading a book you dont like and you wont be reading more if you dont like it. Put it aside choose another book and if you really wanna read that book try again at the end of the year.

My advice for reading more: Just have fun reading if you dont have fun it is not the right book.


tabs_jt t1_j9jgwsk wrote

i can read two books at once when the Genre is completly different. Like Horror and Romance or something like that.

But when i was in school i never read the assigned readings so idk if this is a good advice for your problem


tabs_jt t1_j9f9of1 wrote

I never read one but i heard that they are very simple written so you can easily get into them but if you read a lot they can be very boring.

Also they was a controversy about her because of a coloring book from one of her books about a abusive relationship i think.


tabs_jt t1_j9f66jz wrote

I have a big TBR at home and it overwhelmed me sometimes because i keep buying new books i want to read.

I would recommend buying like 5 books at a time and when you have read them buying new ones you want to read. Then you dont have to go buy a new one after everybook you read and your home TBR isnt that big