
sweetdeepremiumonion t1_ja54ev2 wrote

Reply to comment by HoneydewOk1731 in fabric masks by cucumberwatermelon

You can still tell when someone is smiling if they have a mask on. You can also nod at someone, or wave. The pandemic, the reason people still wear masks, has absolutely had devastating consequences for humanity and how we perceive each other. This is such small beans in the grand scheme of things. I find other ways to connect with my community, besides being able to see the lower half of their faces.


sweetdeepremiumonion t1_j4isyqu wrote

Lol, I do work in a bar and see no issue with it. Your own personal dislikes aren’t representative of the whole industry.

Examples given here like The Thirsty Scholar and Lamplighter both open late morning/early afternoon which is a perfectly fine time to grab a beer and get some work done. Maybe lighten up a little and try it yourself 🤷🏽