
stfuvoicesinmyhead t1_jambkw3 wrote

It looks like the PA Governor, Senate President Pro Tempore, and House Speaker get to appoint a few members of Temple's board of trustees. There are also two politicians actively serving on the board right now:

  • Patrick M. Browne, Esq. (PA Secretary of Revenue)
  • Christine M. Tartaglione (PA Senator for 2nd District)

Might be worth reaching out to your state representatives to let them know if you have feelings on recent developments at Temple?


stfuvoicesinmyhead t1_j9amtbq wrote

Yep, when I moved to the city I had no idea what it was. When I found out and tried to find it the first time I must have missed the sign because I ended up totally turned around. Great idea, but it would be much better with big signs that just say "Free Parking for Airport Pickup"


stfuvoicesinmyhead t1_j2eqghb wrote

Phillies in the World Series? Birds currently the best team in the NFL? We avoided Dr. New Jersey becoming our senator? Relatively good year for the city imo

Personally? Not so bad, but also not the greatest. Mental health improved overall, but I'm becoming increasingly aware of my body decaying as I get older. Though expectations for 2023 are bottomed out since last time I had my hopes up for a year (2020) the world went to shit


stfuvoicesinmyhead t1_iyqqfnu wrote

You make a good point. You'd think they would try to reach people who... I don't know... ride the bus? I've seen ads on the BSL, but not my bus route.

I'm frustrated that they are taking away routes in my part of the city. That said, I don't think they can do much improving since the "Bus Revolution" did not include any actual investment. From my understanding, budget constraints remain the same.