
stevolutionary7 t1_jdnjtx7 wrote

I didn't get this until I read an article in the Sun, but apparently they want to treat the water at a CleanHarbors facility near the incinerator, then discharge the treated water into the municipal sewer to be treated at Back River.

I would like to know what chemicals need to be removed, how they plan to do it, what the acceptable concentration of effluent is from their treatment and how that will be confirmed. I'm actually less concerned knowing that it's a private, well known wastewater remediator doing this than wastewater treatment plant.

In addition, the explosion and fire last week has nothing to do with the treatment plant- that was a separate company that takes biosolids (which would otherwise have to be landfilled) and makes fertilizer pellets. The appropriate state and federal agencies will find out what they did wrong. The only thing Back River and this other company have in common is the byproduct of the first is an input for the second.