
stahleo t1_ivbp3m3 wrote

I didn't say anything is being imposed on me. I also didn't say anything about gay and trans people. Like, what kind of rabbit hole are you going down?

"You can think and South..." What does that illiteracy even mean?

You're confusing hate with a difference in opinion. I'm not going to feel bad for the people and policies I oppose. That's called democracy. Deal with it.


stahleo t1_ivbochy wrote

I'm old enough to remember just a couple of months ago when a 41 year old far-left violent radical Democrat ran over an innocent 18 year old for his political affiliation.

You have every right to believe a conspiracy, especially when avoiding the inevitable cognitive dissonance that would come with admitting that violence is also commited by the left.

Clearly there is violence on both sides, but accepting that reality requires reason and nuance, both of which you clearly lack with the statements you made previously.


stahleo t1_ivay3i0 wrote

It's disgusting seeing so many apologetic far left acitvits making excuses for the literal painting of swastikas on a campaign sign. This is why they will lose in 2 days, because the party is filled with hate filled radicals that want a totalitarian one-party rule.

The real fascists are the Democrats that are trying to impose their beliefs onto others. Fuck them.


stahleo t1_ivax9sv wrote

Someone put razor blades on a Fetterman sign, and the left said that it was probably planted by a Republican.

Now swastikas are painted on an Oz sign, and once again, the left is saying that it was probably a Republican.

At what point do Democrats take responsibility for their own actions?

I think it's time to take off your tin foil hat.


stahleo t1_iuc8mbz wrote

But he's not "absolutely fine." He had a stroke and he can't even articulate his thoughts in a complete sentence, let alone deliberate on the senate floor.

My profession has absolutely nothing to do with this conversation, but good attempt at gaslighting me.

Fetterman is an absolute piece of shit (as are you), and the voters of Pennsylvania will make their voice heard on November 8th. He will not win.


stahleo t1_iuap5o6 wrote

Fetterman is running for public office. He doesn't have to run. This is his decision to remain in the race. Stop trying to conflate the former versus someone being unlawfully terminated due to a disability; these instances are categorically different.

EDIT: I have more comments criticizing Fetterman in my history. Feel free to paste any in this thread, even though they bear no relevance in this conversation, but you do you, Reddit sleuth.


stahleo t1_iu177qj wrote

Number one, you are a child with anger issues.

Number two, Fetterman is running for public office. He doesn't have to run. He doesn't have to remain in the race. This is Fetterman's decision, and if his salary is going to be paid with our tax dollars, then we have a right to cast doubt and even criticize him for what he supports and how he carries himself.