
squirrell1974 t1_j93imo2 wrote

>For starters, I'd use it to determine if I'm ok with my kid being at their house.

If you're questioning this at all, why would you even consider allowing your child in their house? Firearms aren't the only damaging thing people have access to. Many people do serious damage with no weapon other than what they were born with.

If you think your child would be injured, either physically or emotionally, by exposure to this person, allowing them to go to that person's home is negligence on your part regardless of whether or not they legally own a firearm.


squirrell1974 t1_j8dkfb8 wrote

Not sure what you mean by historic home, but if you literally mean it's listed on the registry of historic homes or it's located in a historic district, it's pretty important that you know what that actually means for the house you're looking at. It's sort of like buying something with a HOA. Often it comes with rules like you can't update certain things or you can only reside your house with wood and it has to be the same color as the old siding. I have friends who own houses like that and it's a struggle.

If that isn't what you mean, and really you just want something 100+ years old, please ignore this comment!


squirrell1974 OP t1_j7mtshy wrote

I doubt my mom would talk about it. She seriously never talks about her childhood at all. Any time I've ever brought up anything from the past, even something from my own life, she says she doesn't know what I'm talking about. She does it even if there were tons of people there who also remember (like if something happened at a wedding or Christmas), or there's solid proof, like pictures or something.

I love the suggestion u/essaitchthrowaway3 made, though, to talk to my other family members. I have really good relationships with my aunts and uncles. And now that I've started down this path, I think it would be pretty interesting to see if anyone has stories to tell.


squirrell1974 OP t1_j7lvzkx wrote

That's what I meant, I'm sorry if it came across as the building. I've always assumed my grandfather was saying the people there were dangerous. But I've also always assumed my mother was just super sheltered. It wasn't until today that I started thinking that bad ass people have to hang out somewhere, and maybe they really did hang out at the bowling alley!