
squidbattletanks t1_jb9b4ml wrote

Yessss, nothing is more infuriating than tofu being more expensive that meat and in general that plant-based alternatives are more expensive than animal products!

We need to stop the subsidies to animal products now!


squidbattletanks t1_jb9ap1g wrote

Soy has almost one to one the same bioavailability as meat along with pea protein, oatmeal, peanuts, rice and not far behind chickpeas. Furthermore eating animal based protein correlates with higher rates of cardiovascular disease and mortality rates. Lastly, the amino acids are not hard to hit, studies show that vegans do get all necessary amino acids and further more these amino acids are not hard to get. Most foods contain a bit of all necessary amino acids and rice and beans alone cover the daily recommended intake.


squidbattletanks t1_jb8vkxs wrote

It is easy to hit a high number of proteins on a vegan diet. I can hit the daily requirements of a bodybuilder in terms of protein without protein supplements or other drastic methods. A lot of lentils even have a higher or the same protein content per 100 grams than meat.


squidbattletanks t1_jb8vduc wrote

Meat is the more expensive protein source. Legumes are far and away healthier and cheaper than meat, not to mention cheaper to produce and requiring a smaller land area to grow.