
speebrun t1_je2hjod wrote

Pressure Point by The Ghost Inside is probably the hardest, angriest hardcore song in the last 5 years. You can clearly hear the lyrics, and they are easy to learn, and the breakdown will make you want to tear a bus in half.


speebrun t1_ja2rd34 wrote

Reply to comment by psychocatharsis in Motorhead v Sunn0)) by PirateKerr

I saw Michael Gira, amplified acoustic and solo about 12 years ago, in a small college auditorium, and he nearly blew the roof off. That entire band don't know how to do quiet. Jarboe much the same on one of her tours, completely cavernous noise.


speebrun t1_ja2r6xz wrote

Supported Sunn0)) and KK Null in Brisbane a decade or so ago, can confirm they are two of the loudest bands I've ever heard live. See also: Mogwai, Conan, 90's era Silverchair. Decibels at ear crushing levels.