
soylentcoleslaw t1_j84eit2 wrote

Reply to comment by New_Stats in 2016 by Failedmysanityroll

Both sides! Both sides! I'm too much of a pussy to try to stand up for basic human rights and the bare minimum quality of life for the general public that I'll compare the people advocating for those things with literal fascists. Fuck off. Yes I do have contempt for you fence sitters, you like to think that you're the reasonable ones when your only goal is to just try not to make things worse than they already are and you wonder why elections are so razor thin between you and right wing fascism.


soylentcoleslaw t1_j84275y wrote

Reply to comment by New_Stats in 2016 by Failedmysanityroll

More democrat primary voters flipped from Clinton to McCain in 2008 than flipped from Bernie to Trump in 2016. That's a fact. The cult is on the right, it was loosely organized and the racism was veiled until Clinton ran one of the shittiest campaigns imaginable and put the rate of destruction of political discourse in the US into warp speed. If there's a problem with voters, it's with the vast swaths of the public that supports progressive ideas but won't vote for them because they're scared that the other 70% of the country that also supports them is too chicken to do likewise.