
sourcreamus t1_jefe4u0 wrote

There are limits to how much a country can borrow. No one knows exactly how much that is because it varies by country and circumstances. When a country can’t borrow any more you get what happened to Greece a decade ago where they had to balance the budget suddenly and the economy melted down.

Your previous prime minister tried to push through tax cuts that the market thought would cause the deficit to be too high and they had to back off from those plans and get a new prime minister.


sourcreamus t1_j1now2k wrote

It is more complicated than what he said. The shahs father was the ruler but when he died there was a democratic government elected. The democratic government nationalized British oil which was wildly popular. Britain responded with an embargo. This tanked the economy. Mossadegh was the prime minister and called an election. Exit polls indicated his party was losing and he canceled the election. He then started to rule without parliament. Britain and the US then paid for a coup that installed the Shah as ruler. The Shah planned to restore democracy but predictably never got around to it.


sourcreamus t1_iwlgkzb wrote

It would be reasonable to assume that in places with lots of violent criminals there would be more interaction between violent criminals and police. That would lead to more police shootings. So the violent crime rate is a proxy for justified shootings.

You could go through the databases of cop shootings and categorize them into justified and unjustified. Then compare the unjustified rate with cop training. The problem with that is the low numbers would mean very noisy data.