
socialist_frzn_milk t1_jaeikg1 wrote

Sentimentalizing human life is connected to being anti-choice and if you can’t see how, you’re absolutely anti-choice.

And the fact that you think that there would be no psych eval or screening process in place boggles my mind. What, did you think doctors would just blow terminally ill patients’ heads off with shotguns if they decided to die with dignity?


socialist_frzn_milk t1_jaeiene wrote

In order for your argument to make any sense you would HAVE to be talking about at-risk groups, because otherwise you WOULD be talking out of your ass and there’d be no point continuing this.

And “No it isn’t” is something a child says when they’ve lost the argument. It IS a right, and you do not get to strip someone of their dignity because you don’t agree with their medical choices.


socialist_frzn_milk t1_jaeffc0 wrote

You argued that the availability of assisted suicide will cause more people to commit suicide while completely ignoring that these are not always the only options. “Dignity” is whatever a terminally ill patient decides it is, and if it’s “put a needle in my arm while I am surrounded by family and friends and let me go to sleep peacefully”, that is absolutely their right and you have no business taking it from them.

Oh, and it turns out you don’t have to poll the terminally ill or dead to know that you’re talking out of your ass, because the NIH already says you’re wrong. This study shows there was absolutely no statistically higher risk of disproportionate effect on “at risk” groups:

Seems to me that you’re trying real hard not to say “But it makes me feel icky!”


socialist_frzn_milk t1_jaef276 wrote

So…you just selectively edited my post and either didn’t read or didn’t bother to address the rest of it. Good work. Just like every anti-choice activist on Earth. Sentimentalizing human life and pretending that medical freedom doesn’t matter if it makes YOU personally uncomfortable.

Also, I’d love to know how allowing terminally ill patients to choose their time and manner of death is some sort of “rabbit hole”.


socialist_frzn_milk t1_iubll19 wrote

Okay, again: 5% to Daddy Warbucks here is couch change. 5% to someone who barely makes minimum wage? That’s a whole different kettle of fish.

They are not paying their fair share. Flat taxes are disproportionally harmful to the poor and middle class, and all the lolbertarian weirdos kissing millionaire ass here know it.


socialist_frzn_milk t1_iubkdv1 wrote

Sigh. This pathetic dismissal would be funny, if I hadn’t seen it a thousand times from libertarian dipshits like yourself. You assume anyone who actually gives a shit about anyone besides themselves must clearly be unemployed, because in your selfish, diseased brain, that’s the only scenario that makes sense.


socialist_frzn_milk t1_iubj5ri wrote

You’ve obviously already assumed I don’t, so what’s my answer matter? Clearly because I think rich people should pay their fair share in taxes I must be lazy and unemployed, because that’s the only way you can pretend my opinion isn’t valid.

Fuck off.