
skivtjerry t1_j4mwhxx wrote

Morse Farm will ship any of their products for you. we have been doing this for out of state family for many years.


skivtjerry t1_j3h27pu wrote

Agree this is too much apples and oranges, but if you read CR occasionally you know that the writers generally don't know much about the products they attempt to rate.

I like the stout/lager comparison for different grades. If you're buying beer, would you get the stuff rated highly by a Cicerone or BJCP judge, or a random Wal Mart customer's favorite? CR skews toward the Wal Mart demographic.


skivtjerry t1_j0rn6gs wrote

Reply to comment by bleahdeebleah in Snow tires by Sorry-Ad-7884

We are the classic studded tire customers, over 1500ft, 5 miles from pavement, 4 miles of steep and twisty roads from the valley. They are indeed great on ice and packed snow. The performance reduction on bare roads is very small relative to the reduction experienced when you get on ice and don't have studs. And if you drive a lot of bare roads in winter, studded tires will last a couple of seasons longer because the studs take a lot of the abuse. Yes, they wear out, but a lot slower than rubber. Regardless of stud status, real winter tires need to be on your car in winter. It is the law in Quebec and I wish it was here.