
siliconevalley69 t1_j3zzcmh wrote

As someone who owned the Surface Pro 1,2,3, Book, Book Performance Base, Book 2 and now has an Intel MacBook...I would love it if Apple did this.

Microsoft is utterly clueless with the Surface line. The Surfaces are all under-spec'd and over-priced and they've never bothered to advance their pen tech.

I bought an iPad Pro and the pencil is just great. It just works.

Give me a MacBook where I can rotate the screen like a Lenovo Yoga and turn it flat and use a pen and I'll pay whatever for it.


siliconevalley69 t1_j12n9se wrote

>Social Media is free. This means it needs to be paid by ads. This means that the algorithm, the service, and all the content is designed ground-up to further that objective. Keep people doomscrolling, sell ads, make money.

Interestingly that seems to a short term way to succeed in the space. Facebook is finding out the very hard way that the old adage "if you're not paying for the service you're the product" was a really dumb take and a horrible way to run their business for long term success.