
shipwreck17 t1_jecf9rc wrote

Those are all nice to have but you're paying for them. Some maintaince on the older car is still much cheaper than another 5 years of payments plus interest plus higher insurance etc. Bottom line is new cars are nice but usually cost more so the financial answer is buy one when you need it. Not when u want it. You don't need one now but I think you have enough info to make an informed decision. I totally understand the appeal of the deal but this is r/personalfinance not r/Cars.


shipwreck17 t1_jebiih5 wrote

Meh, to me a 2015 Honda with 72k is a new car. I usually buy them between 50 and 100k. My daily is a 2008 with 185k and I autocross it. So while it does get frequent fluid changes it doesn't have an easy life. If u want a new car ok but the personal finance answer is keep your car. Upgrading is profitable for the dealer, not you.