
rythmicnative81 t1_j25awip wrote

Small victories are key!! 5 minute increments does sound achievable. I've had severe depression after losing multiple family members. Many of the medications made me worse. Recently I had one that helped. I will say that I don't recommend long-term use of any kind of medication but for short-term in conjunction with some sort of counselor or talk therapy even the online stuff would be beneficial. Make sure you surround yourself with people that have your back and if you don't have those people then find an online Forum or find something that you love to do. The other good advice they gave you was vitamin D and sunshine it is completely invaluable. My other tip is I used to love to drink when I was depressed but I forced myself to drink one glass of water for every glass or pint that I would have. Obviously ideally you would stop completely but I understand that doesn't always happen especially not overnight like that person said small increments level up. And believe and know that things will get better and can get better. Also I've heard that high protein diet in the morning like eggs or whatever it is you like to eat can help your vegetarian I don't know rice and beans or whatever form of protein you like. Sleep schedule also very key. If you're really bad like I was and didn't even get out of bed to shower or anything as in I totally shut down didn't want to live, make yourself like five little things you have to do today like brush your teeth brush your hair wash your face eat something and wash the plate you didn't eat it and then consider that a total win for the day! I know it sounds crazy and ridiculous to have to go to that my new detail but that's how low I was so. I apologize if my Punctuation is not up to par I am using speak to type because I have a 5-year-old and I stay busy.