
ryanq99 t1_ith4qm4 wrote

Thanks for the resources, his explanations do make sense to explain civilian sightings but not for the US Navy sighting.

They see planes all the time, they fly them. The sensors and recordings picked up something not recognized by the Navy which is why this is a big deal. They 100% know of every vehicle in their airspace, it’s not possible for it to be a plane.

The other videos of civilians claiming to see a “tic-tac” all look like planes. The one from the US Navy does not look like a plane. I have a hard time believing it’s a lens flair and none of their experts considered it. There was sensor data and eye-witness accounts from 4 pilots. It’s not a flair.


ryanq99 t1_itcsbxy wrote

That’s certainly a reasonable explanation, although the Navy recognizes this phenomenon and have several accounts of it. They understand their equipment. They agree there was an anomaly and all instruments were working correctly.

We’re talking about experts here. Perspective may have been what made the thing look like it was going fast. The Navy doesn’t think so though, so you must know something they don’t.


ryanq99 t1_itap5zv wrote

It’s impossible to come to a conclusion because there’s almost zero evidence. What we do have though, are a few instances of unusual phenomenon that we can’t explain.

Most people who say they have seen ufos are crazy. Some could be intelligent in some areas but most are crazy.

There are real accounts of unidentified objects that seem to surpass our understandings of movement or physics. David Fravor and 3 other people witnessed something that is still not explained yet. We don’t know what it is.

And it’s not only eye witness testimony. It’s cameras and sensors.


ryanq99 t1_it9fl30 wrote

They have data. The data shows whatever it is, its seemingly flying faster and more unusual than anything we understand currently. That's it.

I, and the people that presented the data did not claim what it is. Whatever it is, something is happening. Its not nothing.

That alone is worth investigating.

"I have a girlfriend at another school" is a claim.

"Here is data we do not understand, what is it?" is not a claim.


ryanq99 t1_it93kt6 wrote

Sure yeah I appreciate any info you have, I think its all interesting.

Have you looked into David Fravor's accounts? He and 3 other pilots observed the same thing. They have video and sensor data.

As far as I am aware, there hasn't been a satisfactory answer to what they saw and picked up with their sensors.


ryanq99 t1_it92cau wrote

You could give the muted ufo video of the sensor data to an aviation expert and they would find it interesting. A layman would not know what they are looking at.

In that vein, unless you know what a virus is and the parts it has, you would have no clue wtf you're looking at without some context. I get what you're saying, but the analogy is bad.

>I can only assume that the lack of more compelling evidence only strengthens the skepticism considering their would be mountains of data to support what these people are seeing.

That surely is the problem, there is not much evidence at all. The little we have is enough to look into it, but not enough to come to a conclusion.


ryanq99 t1_it91ltp wrote

I will watch. Any specific video to start with?

Also, there is no extraordinary claim. No claim at all actually... What I am talking about is testimonies of witnessed phenomenon that have actual video and data. There is no conclusion, we dont know what it is.

There are anomalies in the data. It is up to us to use the data to come to a conclusion.


ryanq99 t1_it913tn wrote

Im just advocating an open mind. I would have said the exact same thing as you. Just flat-out refusing to consider it gets us nowhere. There are phenomenon happening we do not understand, its hard to deny that.

Have you listened to David Fravor and his groups' witness accounts? Like really dig in. Don't just go in trying to find things to disagree with. Actually consider what they might be saying could be true.


ryanq99 t1_it8z15j wrote

I am overly skeptical about everything. 2 years ago I would have scoffed and rolled my eyes at anyone even considering ufo stories to be legit.

My natural inclination is absolutely not to believe in ufos. The opposite. Naturally, I think it’s complete bullshit.

I now think there are too many accounts from reasonable people to just completely write them off.


ryanq99 t1_it8y1i6 wrote

Air traffic is tightly controlled. There aren’t just rogue planes unmarked flying around. The tic-tacs have been observed to move beyond the capacity of modern engineering or understanding of physics.

They are 100% not planes. Are they aliens? Probably not, but it’s not nothing.