
rvarjg t1_j2f60rg wrote

Don’t listen to that guy. He couldn’t find his ass with both hands.

He’s a few fries short of a happy meal. A sandwich short of a picnic.

He ain’t the sharpest knife in the drawer. Dumb as a bag of hair.

How am I doing? I’m as fine as frog hair.

He’s getting too big for his britches.

That guy will hold onto a nickel so tight, he’ll make the Buffalo burp.


rvarjg t1_iucrfmy wrote

There’s a group that meets on saturdays at City Stadium starting a few weeks after the marathon. It’s called “City Stadium Runners: We bRUNch Richmond” bc a lot have brunch and/or drinks after. They have a Facebook group and it includes runners of all abilities and short route options. A very casual group.