
robocub t1_jdclyuw wrote

If the owners of 902 are vehemently against Fireman and his anti-LSP douchebags then make VERY VERY loud and consistent statements condemning them and how 902 does not support them. You made a bad move and you regret it. Now its on you to correct that. But its got to be loud and consistent. I would even suggest you host a benefit for Friends of Liberty State Park group and promote it heavily.


robocub t1_jcqesjg wrote

I'm so sick of the fake outrage by these people with their it's always about the children fk'n fake bullshit. They're gonna pull the same bullshit even if cannabis lounge is nowhere near a park, school, or daycare. Frankly I'd like to see less goddam baby carriages all over the streets and blocking walkways and entryways to establishments, buildings, and stores. Now thats a nuisance!


robocub t1_j7vnk9x wrote

I've been saying this for years. The mall was installed back in the day when Hamilton park wasnt so nice and they wanted to segregate it from the waterfront. Now its the opposite. The mall and the office buildings in front of it absolutely are a barrier to the waterfront and public transportation from all points west in JC. We need to open that open. Sure you can "walk" through the mall to get to the other side but its a sickening maze. Try explaining it to someone whos never traversed it. Besides the stink super oily popcorn and Cinnabon is vile.


robocub t1_iy9ivbp wrote

Safe in what way? Traffic/pedestrian safety? Grand st can be busy so just be careful crossing the street. Personal safety like robberies mugging? It’s pretty safe however mugging or robberies can happen anywhere. I don’t think it’s a major problem here. Severe weather? This area is prone to flooding. Hurricane Sandy hit this neighborhood hard and he proximity to the river flooded many homes here.

Any other particulars?